Donnerstag, 7. August 2014

back in paradise

Hey everybody

How are you? I hope everyone is doing fine and that everybody's happy with what they're doing. I know i haven't posted in ages, but there wasn't much to talk about. I was busy with school, living the life and enjoying summer. Now I am, as some of you might have taken from the title, back in Australia. :-)))))))

As i have been planning on coming back here, while everybody is still in school because then it would be easier to catch up, i somehow did it and am now here in the Australian Winter (Brisbane). And gosh this is not winter, it is similar warm to my summer in Germany. :( But at least i know, that it's a little, tiny bit warmer in Germany.
After a horribly long flight i arrived at Brisbane International Airport 6ish in the morning. Welcomed by my three closest friends. We all managed to stay awake over the day and to keep ourselves busy togehter. :D
I went to UQ (University Queensland) Open Day, which was awesome and see all the courses avaible. shame it is so expensive. 
The day after that was Monday: my first school day back. yea some of must think now: "Whats wrong with her!? School in her summer holidays?" But honestly it's not that bad and it is the only way to spend as much time as possible with my friends. So i got to see my friends, the ones i hadn't seen yet and it was so over-whelming. :) I am so glad i found a home on two places on this world. I am smiling writing this because it simply is true. No one expects to be as close to someone, when you haven't seen them in over a year. But it is the exact opposit, i am still as close as before, which is really, really close! 

I will go on enjoying my time i've got here! Enjoy it to the limit! :) As it is all i got for a while. 
I miss my German girls and guys so much, but I'll have you guys back soon! And right now it is time to get back into life over here.

So I'll talk to you soon everyone!
Anja <3

Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014

Someday I will find my way back

Heey everybody! Long time, no see!

How are you? I'm hoping you're doing well and not sinking or losing yourself in bad moods, cus tbh is it worth it? The bad mood? I must admit I've had ups and downs lately, but you can only enjoy the ups, when you know what a down is right?  
Plans about going to back to Australia have been on and off, and it's just a hell of a lot of planing, but someday i will find my way back to where your name is written in the sand, cus I remember every sunset, I remember every word you said, and we were never gonna say good bye, singing ladadadaaaa, tell me how to get back to, back to summer paradise with you, I'll be there in a heart beat (summer paradise - simple plan).  Well now finally I can date someday! I'm coming home! I will be coming home for a couple of weeks in my summer holidays! I was, well I still am, friggen freaking out about Taht fact !!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh :-))))))))))))))) this smile face would need to be a lot lot lot looooot longer :))) like OMG I get to see my friends and family over there again!!
(I hope you'll be coming aswell jule<3)  well over and done with them ABSOLUTLEY awesome news, so other than that life has really been nice and fun! Tho I do question how I could possibly get even more homework than I do now...

Well right now I'm laying on the couch in my family's coosy and warm living room, cus I kinda am sick, pretty bad cold or something.. And wherever you are in this huge and at the same time pretty small world, and you have sunshine and good weather outside, please do me a favour and go outside and enjoy it! Cause the weather and season can change ;) I've had winter for long enough and I'm craving for any temperature over 15 degree Celsius!!!! And you may not believe me but I think the prespring is finally coming!!!! We have a few, very few early flowers in our garden and the birdies start to sing a little again, plus the most important thing: when I leave the house in the morning it's not completely dark ad it's sunrise which is sooo beautiful and cheers up the whole mood for the day, cus you get a nicer, warmer feeling about everything, it's just not that dark and cold :))

Lots of love and see ya soon
Anja <3

Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR, reunion, plans

hey everybody

2014 has started. :-)) lets make it an awesome one filled with laughters, love, smiles, hugs and way too much fun! 

i hope everyone had an enjoyable christmas as well as a good new years party! ;) well just in between both these big events, i had a even bigger eventboth my coming up: REUNION WITH DA SECOND FAMILY IN PARIS!!! my host family was doing a europe tour and just after christmas we met up in Paris for a little time. both my families finally met. oh my gosh, it was undescribale! it wasnt like one of these aw-big-hugs-tears-reunions, more like oh we havent seen each other for half a year, tho it feels like just a few weeks :-)) we spend lots of time exploring Paris, which is i must admit a beautiful city, but i have never been in such a busy part of the world. i was very lucky to meet up with my family so soon again, i really didnt expect it to come this soon! but it was really good to even realise things aren't impossible

now holidays for us germans are already over and school has been back for a week now, tho i go on work experience next monday for two weeks, which shall be super duper awesome and interesting: an institution for scienctif research (marine and polar biology) AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut :3 

well this was a short one, maybe next time i'll have more time for a longer one

see ya 
Anja :**